LEAP takes the isolation out of CEO decision-making

LEAP takes the isolation out of CEO decision-making

Our specialist advisory partners have domain expertise across a wide range of industries.

Our engagement model is focused on quickly diagnosing issues, testing solutions, and then getting out–we are not trying to lock clients into long-term consulting engagements.

Our advisory partners are all CEOs who can provide live examples and insights from their own experiences to back up the content and advice they provide rather than just generic, theoretical information.


3 ways a CEO can engage with LEAP Strategy Partners

PROJECTS – Have a LEAP Advisory Panel focus on a specific challenge.

PROGRAMS – Combine a series of modules over the annual cycle, ranging from comprehensive assessments to diagnostics to check-ins.

PARTNERSHIPS – Building on your strengths, LEAP Advisory Panels work across your enterprise(s) focusing on specific identified challenges either behind the scenes, or to complement your value proposition.

CEOs are invited to learn more about how a LEAP Advisory Panel can accelerate their businesses by taking advantage of our introductory 30-minute micro discovery session. No obligation, only upside. Let’s start a conversation.